Hormone therapy Sand Springs, OK - New Beginnings HRT Clinic

Introduction to Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy is the administration of hormones to supplement lower levels as a result of deficiency or aging. Hormone deficiencies can occur due to various reasons and lead to unpleasant symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) helps alleviate these issues through properly administered supplements and medications.

New Beginnings HRT Clinic offers personalized hormone therapy to residents of Sand Springs. Our experienced medical team provides comprehensive hormone testing, consultation and therapies including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to help patients restore optimal hormone balance.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalances

The body's intricate hormone system regulates critical processes. Imbalances manifest in various ways:

Our services

Adrenal and Cortisol Issues

The adrenal glands produce cortisol to control metabolism and respond to stress. Common signs of suboptimal cortisol levels:

Low cortisol causes low energy, dizziness upon standing, faintness and cravings for salty foods. High cortisol leads to high blood pressure, sugar issues, excess belly fat, bone loss and lowered immunity.

Thyroid Dysfunction

The thyroid gland regulates body temperature, weight, energy and more via thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Hypothyroidism symptoms include:

Hyperthyroidism causes anxiety, heart palpitations, tremors, weight loss and insomnia. Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder causing hyperthyroidism. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis involves chronic inflammation leading to hypothyroidism.

Imbalanced Sex Hormones

Estrogen deficiency contributes to hot flashes, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, urinary issues, joint pain and emotional changes.

Low testosterone in men causes lack of energy, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, loss of strength and endurance, weight gain and depression.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) leads to irregular menstrual cycles, acne, excess facial and body hair, scalp hair loss and weight gain. Perimenopause and menopause involve fluctuating hormone levels causing unpleasant psychological and physiological effects.

Restore hormone balance and feel better today!

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

Because hormones regulate major body processes, imbalances cause various nonspecific symptoms. Comprehensive lab testing is crucial for accurate diagnosis. New Beginnings HRT Clinic utilizes advanced diagnostics to uncover specific deficiencies, including:

Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Correcting deficiencies via bioidentical hormones alleviates symptoms to restore wellness. Benefits include:

Restored Energy and Endurance

Optimal hormones enhance vigor, strength and cardiovascular health. Testosterone therapy (TRT) boosts lean muscle mass increasing activity tolerance in men. Thyroid hormone replacement alleviates chronic fatigue. DHEA therapy elevates vitality.

Healthier Body Composition

Proper hormone levels facilitate fat loss and support lean mass. HGH therapy combined with lifestyle measures helps achieve sustainable weight optimization. Estrogen supports fat distribution to hips and thighs over unhealthy visceral abdominal areas.

Better Sleep Quality

Sleep disorders frequently arise from low melatonin, cortisol or estrogen imbalances. Hormone restoration normalizes sleep-wake cycles and deep refreshing sleep.

Improved Mood and Mental Health

Key hormones like thyroid, estrogen and testosterone strongly influence mood regulation, motivation and cognitive function. Deficiencies contribute to anxiety, depression and dementia risk. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) alleviates mood disorders, foggy thinking, memory lapses and emotional instability.

Healthy Libido and Sexual Function

Testosterone sustains male virility including libido, penile function and sexual pleasure. Estrogen maintains vaginal health and lubrication facilitating pleasurable sex. BHRT enhances enjoyable intimate relations.

Reduced Menopause and Andropause Symptoms

Perimenopause involves estrogen/progesterone decline causing hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, weight gain, difficulty sleeping and mood instability. Andropause stems from decreasing testosterone levels in men over 50 manifesting in fatigue, mood disorders, 'man boobs’ and erectile issues. Customized hormone replacement smooths transitions alleviating uncomfortable signs.

Optimized Wellness and Disease Prevention

Balanced hormones strengthen immunity, heart health, bone density and neurological function reducing illness risk. Key examples include testosterone boosting heart health and estrogen preventing bone loss in both genders. BHRT enhances wellness protecting future health.

Interesting fact

Estrogen therapy has been shown to lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in postmenopausal women by over 30%, likely due to its positive effects on glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and body fat distribution. The protective benefits seem to persist for many years after treatment is stopped.

Our Hormone Specialists

The New Beginnings HRT Clinic medical team specializes in integrated therapies personalized for the whole patient:

Comprehensive Lab Evaluation

Advanced diagnostics identify specific deficiencies for customized treatments. Saliva cortisol testing uncovers adrenal dysregulation. Sensitive blood assays measure free thyroid and sex hormones including testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. Genetic risk factors are evaluated.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

BHRT employs plant-derived hormones matching natural human hormones promoting optimal restoration. Unlike synthetic versions with potentially unpleasant side effects, bioidentical hormones have excellent safety profiles especially when expertly administered.

Nutraceutical Therapies

Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and botanicals alleviate deficiencies and regulate metabolism improving BHRT results. New Beginnings HRT Clinic doctors determine specific nutraceutical protocols to enhance outcomes.

Lifestyle Optimization

Improving fitness level, diet quality, stress resilience and sleep health optimizes hormone response and therapy benefits. Our consultants provide personalized lifestyle guidance for sustainable wellness.

New Beginnings HRT Clinic also partners with high quality local resources including medical labs for testing, gyms and yoga studios for fitness and mind-body health, pharmacies providing convenient access to therapies, relaxation spas to manage stress and healthy organic restaurants for optimal nutrition.

Restore balance and book your hormone consultation now!

Hormone Therapy Consultation Process

The New Beginnings HRT Clinic step-by-step program ensures safe, effective treatment:

  1. Comprehensive initial consultation
  2. Advanced diagnostic testing
  3. Analysis of results to determine imbalances
  4. Customized treatment plan development
  5. Follow-up assessments for therapy adjustments

We also provide ongoing monitoring, patient education and support groups for sharing insights and motivating healthy habits.

Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment

Hormone issues become more complex over time contributing to suboptimal health and disease risks. Unfortunately symptoms are often overlooked or dismissed eventually leading to serious consequences. Benefits of early detection and prompt treatment correction include:

We encourage being proactive with screening and quickly addressing any deficiencies detected. Our goal is sustaining patients’ active participation in vibrant living at every age via precise hormone therapy. Contact us today for responsive care!

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